Glasilo Uradni list RS

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Številka 134

Uradni list RS, št. 134 z dne 28. 12. 2023

UL Infotok

Uradni list RS, št. 134/2023 z dne 28. 12. 2023

35. Uredba o ratifikaciji Statuta registra škode, ki jo je povzročila agresija Ruske federacije proti Ukrajini, stran 194.

Na podlagi druge alineje šestega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09, 80/10 – ZUTD, 31/15 in 30/18 – ZKZaš) Vlada Republike Slovenije izdaja
U R E D B O 
1. člen 
Ratificira se Statut registra škode, ki jo je povzročila agresija Ruske federacije proti Ukrajini, sprejet z resolucijo Odbora ministrov Sveta Evrope v Strasbourgu 12. maja 2023 kot je bil spremenjen z resolucijo Odbora ministrskih namestnikov Sveta Evrope 27. septembra 2023.
2. člen 
Besedilo statuta se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Statute of the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine 
Article 1 – Mandate of the Register of Damage 
1.1. The Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (hereinafter “the Register”) shall serve as a record, in documentary form, of evidence and claims information on damage, loss or injury caused, on or after 24 February 2022, in the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, extending to its territorial waters, to all natural and legal persons concerned, as well as the State of Ukraine, including its regional and local authorities, state-owned or controlled entities, by the Russian Federation’s internationally wrongful acts in or against Ukraine.
1.2. The Register shall be established as a platform for intergovernmental co-operation, acting within the institutional framework of the Council of Europe.
Article 2 – Functions of the Register of Damage 
2.1. The Register shall receive and process information on claims of damage and evidence; categorise, classify and organise such claims, assess and determine the eligibility of claims for inclusion in the Register and record the eligible claims for the purposes of their future examination and adjudication. The Register shall not have any adjudication functions with respect to such claims, including determination of responsibility and allocation of any payments or compensation.
2.2. Eligibility criteria for recording of claims in the Register for the purposes of their future examination and adjudication shall be determined in the rules and regulations of the Register, bearing in mind that such claims shall be made in relation to damage, loss or injury that was caused:
a. on or after 24 February 2022;
b. in the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, extending to its territorial waters;
c. by the Russian Federation’s internationally wrongful acts in or against Ukraine.
2.3. Claims, evidence and related information shall be submitted to the Register by natural and legal persons concerned, as well as the State of Ukraine (including its regional and local authorities, and State-owned or controlled entities).
2.4. The Register shall co-operate with relevant national and international partners for the purposes of promotion and co-ordination of gathering of evidence of the damage, loss or injury caused by the Russian Federation’s internationally wrongful acts in or against Ukraine.
2.5. The work of the Register, including its digital platform with all data about claims and evidence recorded therein, is intended to constitute the first component of a future international compensation mechanism to be established by a separate international instrument in co-operation with Ukraine (hereinafter “a Compensation Mechanism”). The exact form of a future Compensation Mechanism is to be determined, but may include a claims commission and compensation fund mandated to examine and adjudicate claims and/or pay compensation for damage, loss or injury caused by the Russian Federation’s internationally wrongful acts in or against Ukraine. The Register, through its Executive Director and with the support of its Secretariat, shall participate in and facilitate, as appropriate, the work aimed at the establishment of such a Compensation Mechanism, and take the necessary steps to prepare for the Register to be transferred to a Compensation Mechanism in accordance with this Statute.
Article 3 – Legal Status and seat 
3.1. The Register shall possess juridical personality under the national law of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and of Ukraine and thus enjoy such legal capacity as is necessary for the exercise of its functions, fulfilment of its mandate and the protection of its interests, in particular the capacity to contract and to acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property.
3.2. The Register shall have capacity to enter into arrangements with States, international organisations and bodies in furtherance of its mandate.
3.3. The Register shall have its seat in The Hague, the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The status and operation of the Register in the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall be regulated by a Host State Agreement concluded by the Council of Europe.
3.4. The Register shall also have a satellite office in Ukraine for the purpose of liaising with the Government of Ukraine and facilitating outreach and contact with potential claimants and the public at large in Ukraine, notably about the existence and purpose of the Register and the procedure for filing a claim for damage.
3.5. The General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe shall apply to the Register and its officials, including the Register’s satellite office in Ukraine.
Article 4 – Participation 
4.1. Any member or observer State of the Council of Europe and the European Union, as well as any other State that has voted in favour of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/ES-11/5 of 14 November 2022 “Furtherance of remedy and reparation for aggression against Ukraine”, may join the Register as a Participant by notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
4.2. Any member or observer State of the Council of Europe and the European Union, as well as any other State that has voted in favour of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/ES-11/5 of 14 November 2022 “Furtherance of remedy and reparation for aggression against Ukraine”, may join the Register as an Associate Member by notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. Associate Members are encouraged to provide voluntary contributions to the Register in accordance with Article 10. Associate Members may, at any time, become Participants by notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
4.3. The Conference of Participants may authorise any other State or international organisation having so requested to join the Register as Participant or Associate Member, taking into particular account the position of the Government of Ukraine.
Article 5 – Conference of Participants 
5.1. The Conference of Participants (hereinafter “the Conference”) shall be composed of one representative appointed by each Participant. Such appointments shall be communicated to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
5.2. The Conference shall elect from among its members a Chair and two Vice-Chairs for a period of three years.
5.3. The Conference shall:
a. have overall responsibility for the fulfillment of the Register’s mandate;
b. recommend to Participants and Associate Members measures to advance the aims of the Register;
c. approve the rules and regulations proposed by the Board for governing the work of the Register;
d. appoint the members of the Board;
e. designate the Executive Director upon a proposal by the Government of Ukraine;
f. adopt the annual budget of the Register;
g. adopt the annual activity report of the Register;
h. perform any other function vested in it by this Statute.
5.4. The Conference shall meet as often as is necessary, but at least once a year. Travel and accommodation costs relating to the Conference shall be borne by each Participant and Associate Member. The Conference may exercise its decision- making through written procedure and by electronic means.
5.5. The Conference shall adopt its decisions by a two- thirds majority of the votes cast, with each Participant having one vote. Procedural matters shall be settled by a majority of the votes cast. The Conference shall adopt its own rules of procedure and any other arrangements required for the implementation of its activities.
5.6. Without prejudice to Article 5, paragraph 7, Associate Members may participate in the meetings of the Conference without the right to vote. Associate Members may make oral or written statements in the meetings of the Conference.
5.7. Associate Members having made voluntary contributions to the Register of an amount equal to the amount determined by the Conference for Participants in accordance with Article 10, shall have the full range of rights of Participants during the financial year for which they made such a contribution.
5.8. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe may participate or be represented in the meetings of the Conference without the right to vote. The Conference may invite representatives of relevant Council of Europe bodies or international organisations to attend its meetings or a part of its meetings, without voting rights, according to the items on its agenda. It may also invite experts to be present for specific items of its agenda, without the right to vote.
Article 6 – Board 
6.1. The Board of the Register (hereinafter “the Board”) shall be composed of seven members, taking into account their integrity, experience and multidisciplinary expertise necessary for the efficient functioning of the Register, notably as regards international law, war damages and claims, accounting, and loss assessment, as well as gender and global geographical balance. The Conference may change the number of members of the Board if it is necessary in order to ensure efficient functioning of the Register, taking into account the volume and complexity of claims and related workload of the Board.
6.2. One of the members of the Board shall be appointed by the Conference from among candidates nominated by the Government of Ukraine. The other members of the Board shall be appointed by the Conference from among candidates nominated by Participants and Associate Members. Subject to Article 6, paragraph 3, all the members of the Board shall be appointed for a term of office of three years, renewable once.
6.3. The appointment and removal procedures of the members of the Board shall be determined by the Conference.
6.4. The members of the Board shall sit in their individual capacity, be independent and impartial in the exercise of their functions and be available to carry out their duties in an effective manner. The members of the Board shall be remunerated by the Register for their work on terms established by the Conference.
6.5. The Board shall, without prejudice to Article 5:
a. have responsibility for the exercise of the Register’s functions;
b. propose the rules and regulations governing the work of the Register and implement them as appropriate, including, in particular as regards the determination of the categories of claims, the procedures for the receiving, processing and recording of claims, the format of the claim forms and the requirements for evidence with respect to each category of claims, that shall be approved by the Conference;
c. have the ultimate authority in determining the eligibility of claims to be recorded in the Register, based on the recommendation of the Executive Director;
d. perform any other function necessary for the fulfilment of the mandate of the Register that is not vested by this Statute in the Conference, Executive Director or Secretariat.
6.6. The Board shall determine the date from which the Register shall be open for submission of claims, evidence and related information.
6.7. The Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure and any other arrangements required for the implementation of its activities. The Board shall appoint a Chair and a Vice- Chair among its members for a term of office of three years, renewable once.
6.8. The Board shall meet regularly, but at least on a quarterly basis, in order to determine which claims should be recorded in the Register and to make any other decisions necessary to perform its functions. The Executive Director shall participate in these meetings in an advisory capacity.
6.9. The Board shall provide quarterly reports to the Conference. Such reports shall include the number of claims received and the number of eligible claims recorded in the Register, the relevant categories and the total amount of compensation sought (if applicable). Such reports shall also include the summary of other significant factual or legal matters relevant to the work of the Register.
Article 7 – Executive Director 
7.1. The Executive Director shall represent the Register and is entitled to act on its behalf.
7.2. The Executive Director shall be entitled to enter into contracts and arrangements on behalf of the Register. Arrangements entered into by the Executive Director on behalf of the Register with national or international bodies providing for co-ordination of evidence gathering or any exchange of information on claims or evidence, shall be approved by the Board.
7.3. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall delegate to the Executive Director such powers that are necessary for the exercise of the duties of the Executive Director with respect to the Secretariat.
7.4. The Executive Director shall:
a. have day-to-day responsibility for overseeing and administrating the work of the Secretariat of the Register;
b. together with the Secretariat, ensure substantive, technical, administrative and organisational support for the work of the Conference and the Board, including regular liaison and preparation of their meetings;
c. be responsible for forwarding claims to the Board for approval for recording in the Register;
d. liaise with relevant national and international bodies on various issues related to the work of the Register and the process of collection of claims and evidence;
e. liaise with the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of Ukraine on various administrative matters related to the work of the Register;
f. perform any other function vested in the Executive Director by this Statute.
7.5. The Executive Director shall be designated by the Conference upon proposal by the Government of Ukraine and appointed by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, taking into account the integrity, experience and multi-disciplinary expertise necessary for this post. The Executive Director may be dismissed for justified reasons by the Secretary General following a procedure initiated by the Government of Ukraine or the Secretary General and after agreement by the Conference.
Article 8 – Secretariat of the Register 
8.1. The Secretariat shall, under the authority of the Executive Director, provide substantive, technical and administrative support for the maintenance and functioning of the Register.
8.2. Without prejudice to Article 8, paragraph 3, the Secretariat shall have full administrative autonomy from the Council of Europe and its bodies.
8.3. The Council of Europe Staff Regulations shall apply to the Secretariat.
Article 9 – Independence 
9.1. In the performance of their duties, the members of the Board, the Executive Director and the Secretariat shall not seek or receive instructions from any government, international organisation or from any other authority external to the Register.
9.2. Each Participant and Associate Member of the Register, as well as the Council of Europe and its bodies, commit to respect the exclusively independent character of the responsibilities of the members of the Board, the Executive Director and the Secretariat and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Article 10 – Financing and budget 
10.1. The Register shall have its own budget in accordance with Statutory Resolution Res(93)28. The Conference shall adopt every year the Register’s budget on expenditure, prepared by the Executive Director.
10.2. The Register shall be financed through the annual contributions of its Participants and voluntary contributions of its Associate Members.
10.3. The Conference shall determine both the amount of the annual contributions of its Participants and the recommended voluntary contributions of its Associate Members. These contributions should be based, as a rule, on the criteria for the determination of the annual scale of contributions to the general budget of the Council of Europe and can be adjusted in accordance with the principles on which that scale is based.
10.4. The Register may receive and utilise additional voluntary grants and other contributions connected with its work, including contributions in kind, subject to the prior authorisation of the Conference. These contributions shall be consistent with the aims and functions of the Register.
10.5. The Conference shall approve every year the Register’s annual accounts, which shall be drawn up by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the Council of Europe and submitted to the Conference accompanied by the report of the External Auditor as provided for in the Financial Regulations. In order to discharge the Secretary General from responsibility for the management of the financial year in question, the Conference shall transmit to the Committee of Ministers the annual accounts, together with its approval or any comments, and the report drawn up by the External Auditor, as provided for in the Financial Regulations.
10.6. The Financial Regulations of the Council of Europe shall apply to the adoption and management of the budget of the Register, taking into account the provisions of this Statute.
Article 11 – Confidentiality 
11.1. Subject to Article 11, paragraph 2, any information on claims and damage received by the Register, including any evidence, shall be treated as confidential.
11.2. Rules on access to documents and protection of data related to claims submitted to the Register shall be proposed by the Board and approved by the Conference, including on the sharing of information under the provisions of this Statute, in particular for the purposes of Article 2, paragraph 4.
Article 12 – Council of Europe Rules and Regulations 
The Conference, upon a justified proposal from the Board or, until the Board is set up or should it not be funcioning, the Executive Director, may approve derogations from applicable Council of Europe rules and regulations if doing so is required for the efficient exercise of the Register’s functions. Such approved derogations shall be communicated to the Committee of Ministers and the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
Article 13 – Amendments 
This Statute may be amended only by decision of the Committee of Ministers, in its composition restricted to the representatives of the States Participants of the Register, by the majority stipulated in Article 20.d of the Statute of the Council of Europe and an identically worded decision of the Conference.
Article 14 – Transfer, succession and termination 
14.1. Following the establishment of a Compensation Mechanism as referred to in Article 2, paragraph 5, the work of the Register shall be transferred as appropriate to such Compensation Mechanism in a way that will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the Register until its termination and that will place information on claims and evidence contained therein at the disposal of such Compensation Mechanism. Such transfer shall include the digital platform of the Register, including all information about claims and evidence contained therein, other documentation, including archives, its movable and immovable property, including, but not limited to, bank accounts, IT equipment, software and any licenses thereto, contracts and arrangements of the Register, as well as any associated data.
14.2. The Board shall propose the necessary rules and procedures with a view to ensuring as appropriate a smooth transfer of the Register to such Compensation Mechanism. These rules shall be approved by the Conference.
14.3. Such Compensation Mechanism is intended to be a successor of the Register following the completion of such transfer.
14.4. After such transfer is completed, as determined by the Board and confirmed by the Conference, the Register shall be terminated as an Enlarged Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe.
Article 15 – Settlement of disputes 
The Participants shall seek to resolve any dispute which may arise concerning the application or interpretation of the provisions of this Statute by negotiation or by any other means of peaceful settlement accepted by mutual agreement between them.
Article 16 – Withdrawal and expulsion 
16.1. Any Participant or Associate Member may withdraw from the Register by means of a notification sent to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
16.2. The Secretary General shall acknowledge receipt of the notification and inform the Participants and Associate Members of the Register.
16.3. The withdrawal of a Participant shall take effect at the end of the financial year in which it is notified, if such notification is given before 1 June of that financial year, or at the end of the following financial year, if notification of withdrawal is given on or after 1 June of the financial year. The withdrawal of an Associate Member shall come into effect upon receipt of the notification.
16.4. In accordance with applicable provisions of the Financial Regulations of the Council of Europe, the Conference shall examine the financial consequences of the withdrawal or expulsion of a Participant or an Associate Member and shall make the appropriate arrangements.
16.5. The Secretary General shall immediately inform the Participant concerned of the consequences of its withdrawal in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 3.
16.6. The Conference may decide that any Participant or Associate Member acting in a manner inconsistent with the mandate of the Register or impeding its functions, ceases to be a Participant or Associate Member of the Register as from such date as the Conference determines.
Statut registra škode, ki jo je povzročila agresija Ruske federacije proti Ukrajini 
1. člen – Pooblastila registra škode 
1.1. Register škode, ki jo je povzročila agresija Ruske federacije proti Ukrajini (v nadaljnjem besedilu: register), se uporablja kot evidenca informacij o dokazih in zahtevkih v dokumentarni obliki glede škode, izgube ali poškodb, ki so jih 24. februarja 2022 ali pozneje na ozemlju Ukrajine znotraj njenih mednarodno priznanih meja, vključno z njenimi teritorialnimi vodami, vsem zadevnim fizičnim in pravnim osebam ter državi Ukrajini, vključno z njenimi regionalnimi in lokalnimi organi ter subjekti v državni lasti ali pod državnim nadzorom, povzročila mednarodno protipravna dejanja Ruske federacije v Ukrajini ali proti njej.
1.2. Register se vzpostavi kot platforma za medvladno sodelovanje, ki deluje znotraj institucionalnega okvira Sveta Evrope.
2. člen – Naloge registra škode 
2.1. Register sprejema in obdeluje informacije o odškodninskih zahtevkih in dokazih, razvršča, razporeja in organizira take zahtevke, ocenjuje in določa upravičenost zahtevkov za vključitev v register ter evidentira upravičene zahtevke za namene njihovega prihodnjega obravnavanja in odločanja o njih. Register nima nobenih nalog glede odločanja v zvezi s takimi zahtevki, vključno z ugotavljanjem odgovornosti in dodelitvijo kakršnihkoli plačil ali odškodnin.
2.2. Merila upravičenosti za evidentiranje zahtevkov v registru za namene njihovega prihodnjega obravnavanja in odločanja o njih se določijo v pravilih in predpisih registra ob upoštevanju, da se taki zahtevki vlagajo v zvezi s škodo, izgubo ali poškodbami, ki so jih:
a. 24. februarja 2022 ali po njem
b. na ozemlju Ukrajine znotraj njenih mednarodno priznanih meja, vključno z njenimi teritorialnimi vodami,
c. povzročila mednarodno protipravna dejanja Ruske federacije v Ukrajini ali proti njej.
2.3. Zahtevke, dokaze in z njimi povezane informacije v register predložijo prizadete fizične in pravne osebe ter država Ukrajina (vključno z njenimi regionalnimi in lokalnimi organi ter subjekti v državni lasti ali pod državnim nadzorom).
2.4. Register sodeluje z ustreznimi nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi partnerji pri spodbujanju in usklajevanju zbiranja dokazov o škodi, izgubi ali poškodbah, ki so jih povzročila mednarodno protipravna dejanja Ruske federacije v Ukrajini ali proti njej.
2.5. Delo registra, vključno z njegovo digitalno platformo z vsemi podatki o zahtevkih in dokazi, ki so v njem evidentirani, pomeni prvi sestavni del prihodnjega mednarodnega odškodninskega mehanizma, ki bo vzpostavljen z ločenim mednarodnim instrumentom v sodelovanju z Ukrajino (v nadaljnjem besedilu: odškodninski mehanizem). Natančna oblika prihodnjega odškodninskega mehanizma se bo še določila, lahko pa vključuje komisijo za obravnavo zahtevkov in odškodninski sklad, ki sta pooblaščena za obravnavo zahtevkov in odločanje o njih in/ali za izplačilo odškodnine za škodo, izgubo ali poškodbe, ki so jih povzročila mednarodno protipravna dejanja Ruske federacije v Ukrajini ali proti njej. Register po svojem izvršnem direktorju in ob podpori svojega sekretariata sodeluje in pospešuje, kot je to primerno, delo za vzpostavitev takega odškodninskega mehanizma ter sprejme potrebne ukrepe za pripravo na prenos registra na odškodninski mehanizem v skladu s tem statutom.
3. člen – Pravni status in sedež 
3.1. Register ima pravno osebnost po nacionalnem pravu Kraljevine Nizozemske in Ukrajine ter ima pravno sposobnost, ki je potrebna za opravljanje njegovih nalog, izpolnjevanje njegovih pooblastil in zaščito njegovih interesov, zlasti sposobnost sklepanja pogodb ter pridobivanja premičnega in nepremičnega premoženja ter razpolaganja z njim.
3.2. Register ima za uresničevanje svojih pooblastil sposobnost sklepati dogovore z državami, mednarodnimi organizacijami in organi.
3.3. Register ima svoj sedež v Haagu, v Kraljevini Nizozemski. Status in delovanje registra v Kraljevini Nizozemski ureja sporazum z državo gostiteljico, ki ga sklene Svet Evrope.
3.4. Register ima tudi dodatni urad v Ukrajini, ki je namenjen povezovanju z vlado Ukrajine in lažjemu obveščanju morebitnih tožnikov in širše javnosti v Ukrajini ter navezovanju stikov z njimi, zlasti glede obstoja in namena registra ter postopka za vložitev odškodninskega zahtevka.
3.5. Splošni sporazum o privilegijih in imunitetah Sveta Evrope se uporablja za register in njegove uradnike, vključno z dodatnim uradom registra v Ukrajini.
4. člen – Sodelovanje 
4.1. Vsaka država članica Sveta Evrope ali opazovalka v Svetu Evrope in Evropska unija ter vsaka druga država, ki je glasovala za resolucijo Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov A/RES/ES-11/5 z dne 14. novembra 2022 Furtherance of remedy and reparation for aggression against Ukraine (Pospeševanje odprave posledic in odškodnina zaradi agresije proti Ukrajini), lahko pristopi k registru kot udeleženka z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope.
4.2. Vsaka država članica Sveta Evrope ali opazovalka v Svetu Evrope in Evropska unija ter vsaka druga država, ki je glasovala za resolucijo Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov A/RES/ES-11/5 z dne 14. novembra 2022 Furtherance of remedy and reparation for aggression against Ukraine (Pospeševanje odprave posledic in odškodnina zaradi agresije proti Ukrajini), lahko pristopi k registru kot pridružena članica z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope. Pridružene članice se spodbujajo, da v register prispevajo prostovoljne prispevke v skladu 10. členom. Pridružene članice lahko kadar koli postanejo udeleženke z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope.
4.3. Konferenca udeleženk lahko pooblasti katero koli drugo državo ali mednarodno organizacijo, ki za to zaprosi, da pristopi k registru kot udeleženka ali pridružena članica, pri čemer se upošteva zlasti stališče vlade Ukrajine.
5. člen – Konferenca udeleženk 
5.1. Konferenco udeleženk (v nadaljnjem besedilu: konferenca) sestavljajo po en predstavnik vsake udeleženke, ki ga ta imenuje. Imena predstavnikov se sporočijo generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope.
5.2. Konferenca med svojimi člani izvoli predsednika in dva podpredsednika za obdobje treh let.
5.3. Konferenca:
a. ima splošno odgovornost za izpolnjevanje pooblastil registra;
b. priporoča udeleženkam in pridruženim članicam ukrepe za uresničevanje ciljev registra;
c. odobri pravila in predpise, ki jih predlaga odbor za urejanje dela registra;
d. imenuje člane odbora;
e. določi izvršnega direktorja na predlog vlade Ukrajine;
f. sprejme letni proračun registra;
g. sprejme letno poročilo o dejavnostih registra;
h. opravlja vse druge naloge, ki ji jih nalaga ta statut.
5.4. Konferenca se sestane tako pogosto, kot je potrebno, vendar najmanj enkrat letno. Potne stroške in stroške nastanitve v zvezi s konferenco krijeta vsaka udeleženka in pridružena članica. Konferenca lahko sprejema odločitve v pisnem postopku in z elektronskimi sredstvi.
5.5. Konferenca sprejema odločitve z dvotretjinsko večino oddanih glasov, pri čemer ima vsaka udeleženka en glas. Postopkovne zadeve se rešujejo z večino oddanih glasov. Konferenca sprejme svoj poslovnik in vse druge dogovore, potrebne za izvajanje svojih dejavnosti.
5.6. Brez poseganja v sedmi odstavek 5. člena lahko pridružene članice sodelujejo na zasedanjih konference brez glasovalne pravice. Pridružene članice lahko na zasedanjih konference dajejo ustne ali pisne izjave.
5.7. Pridružene članice, ki so v register prostovoljno prispevale znesek, enak znesku, ki ga je konferenca določila za udeleženke v skladu z 10. členom, imajo vse pravice udeleženk v finančnem letu, za katero so prispevale tak znesek.
5.8. Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope lahko sodeluje ali je zastopan na zasedanjih konference brez glasovalne pravice. Konferenca lahko povabi predstavnike ustreznih organov Sveta Evrope ali mednarodnih organizacij, da se udeležijo njenih zasedanj ali dela zasedanj brez glasovalne pravice glede na točke dnevnega reda. Prav tako lahko povabi strokovnjake, da so prisotni pri posameznih točkah dnevnega reda, vendar brez glasovalne pravice.
6. člen – Odbor 
6.1. Odbor registra (v nadaljnjem besedilu: odbor) sestavlja sedem članov, pri čemer se upoštevajo njihova integriteta, izkušnje in multidisciplinarno strokovno znanje, potrebno za učinkovito delovanje registra, zlasti glede mednarodnega prava, vojnih odškodnin in zahtevkov, računovodstva ter ocenjevanja izgub, pa tudi spolna in svetovna geografska uravnoteženost. Konferenca lahko spremeni število članov odbora, če je to potrebno za zagotovitev učinkovitega delovanja registra, pri čemer upošteva obseg in zapletenost zahtevkov ter s tem povezane delovne obremenitve odbora.
6.2. Enega od članov odbora imenuje konferenca med kandidati, ki jih predlaga vlada Ukrajine. Druge člane odbora imenuje konferenca med kandidati, ki jih predlagajo udeleženke in pridružene članice. Ob upoštevanju tretjega odstavka 6. člena so vsi člani odbora imenovani za triletni mandat, ki se lahko enkrat podaljša.
6.3. Postopke imenovanja in razrešitve članov odbora določi konferenca.
6.4. Člani odbora delujejo kot posamezniki, so pri opravljanju svojih funkcij neodvisni in nepristranski ter so na voljo za učinkovito opravljanje svojih nalog. Člani odbora prejmejo za svoje delo plačilo od registra pod pogoji, ki jih določi konferenca.
6.5. Odbor, brez poseganja v 5. člen:
a. je odgovoren za izvajanje nalog registra;
b. predlaga pravila in predpise, ki urejajo delo registra, ter jih ustrezno izvaja, vključno z določitvijo skupin zahtevkov, postopki za sprejem, obdelavo in evidentiranje zahtevkov, obliko obrazcev za zahtevke ter zahtevami glede dokazov v zvezi z vsako skupino zahtevkov, ki jih odobri konferenca;
c. je pristojen za odločanje o upravičenosti zahtevkov do vpisa v register na podlagi priporočila izvršnega direktorja;
d. opravlja vse druge naloge, potrebne za izpolnjevanje pooblastil registra, ki jih ta statut ne nalaga konferenci, izvršnemu direktorju ali sekretariatu.
6.6. Odbor določi datum, od katerega je register odprt za predložitev zahtevkov, dokazov in z njimi povezanih informacij.
6.7. Odbor sprejme poslovnik in vse druge dogovore, potrebne za izvajanje svojih dejavnosti. Odbor izmed svojih članov imenuje predsednika in podpredsednika za triletni mandat, ki se lahko enkrat podaljša.
6.8. Odbor se sestaja redno, vendar najmanj enkrat na četrtletje, da določi, katere zahtevke je treba vpisati v register, in sprejme druge odločitve, potrebne za opravljanje svojih nalog. Izvršni direktor na teh sestankih sodeluje kot svetovalec.
6.9. Odbor predloži konferenci četrtletna poročila. Poročila vključujejo število prejetih zahtevkov in število upravičenih zahtevkov, vpisanih v register, ustrezne skupine ter skupni znesek zahtevane odškodnine (kadar je to primerno). Poročila vključujejo tudi povzetek drugih pomembnih dejanskih ali pravnih zadev, pomembnih za delo registra.
7. člen – Izvršni direktor 
7.1. Izvršni direktor predstavlja register in deluje v njegovem imenu.
7.2. Izvršni direktor je upravičen za sklepanje pogodb in dogovorov v imenu registra. Dogovore, ki jih izvršni direktor v imenu registra sklene z nacionalnimi ali mednarodnimi organi, ki zagotavljajo usklajevanje zbiranja dokazov ali kakršnokoli izmenjavo informacij o zahtevkih ali dokazih, odobri odbor.
7.3. Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope prenese na izvršnega direktorja pooblastila, ki so potrebna za opravljanje nalog izvršnega direktorja v zvezi s sekretariatom.
7.4. Izvršni direktor:
a. je vsakodnevno odgovoren za nadzorovanje in upravljanje dela sekretariata registra;
b. skupaj s sekretariatom zagotavlja vsebinsko, tehnično, administrativno in organizacijsko podporo delu konference in odbora, vključno z rednim povezovanjem ter pripravo njunih sestankov;
c. je odgovoren za pošiljanje zahtevkov odboru v odobritev za vpis v register;
d. se povezuje z ustreznimi nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi organi glede različnih vprašanj, povezanih z delom registra ter postopkom zbiranja zahtevkov in dokazov;
e. se povezuje z vlado Kraljevine Nizozemske in vlado Ukrajine glede različnih administrativnih zadev, povezanih z delom registra;
f. opravlja vse druge naloge, ki mu jih nalaga ta statut.
7.5. Izvršnega direktorja imenuje konferenca na predlog vlade Ukrajine, izbere pa ga generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope ob upoštevanju integritete, izkušenj in multidisciplinarnega strokovnega znanja, potrebnega za to delovno mesto. Izvršnega direktorja lahko generalni sekretar razreši iz utemeljenih razlogov po postopku, ki ga sproži vlada Ukrajine ali generalni sekretar, in po soglasju konference.
8. člen – Sekretariat registra 
8.1. Sekretariat pod vodstvom izvršnega direktorja zagotavlja vsebinsko, tehnično in administrativno podporo za vzdrževanje in delovanje registra.
8.2. Brez poseganja v tretji odstavek 8. člena je sekretariat popolnoma upravno neodvisen od Sveta Evrope in njegovih organov.
8.3. Za sekretariat se uporabljajo kadrovski predpisi Sveta Evrope.
9. člen – Neodvisnost 
9.1. Člani odbora, izvršni direktor in sekretariat pri opravljanju svojih nalog ne smejo zahtevati ali prejemati navodil nobene vlade, mednarodne organizacije ali katerega koli drugega organa zunaj registra.
9.2. Vsaka udeleženka in pridružena članica registra ter Svet Evrope in njegovi organi se zavezujejo, da bodo spoštovali izključno neodvisno naravo odgovornosti članov upravnega odbora, izvršnega direktorja in sekretariata ter da ne bodo poskušali vplivati nanje pri opravljanju njihovih nalog.
10. člen – Financiranje in proračun 
10.1. Register ima svoj proračun v skladu s statutarno resolucijo Res(93)28. Konferenca vsako leto sprejme proračun za izdatke registra, ki ga pripravi izvršni direktor.
10.2. Register se financira z letnimi prispevki udeleženk in prostovoljnimi prispevki pridruženih članic.
10.3. Konferenca določi višino letnih prispevkov svojih udeleženk in priporočene prostovoljne prispevke svojih pridruženih članic. Ti prispevki morajo praviloma temeljiti na merilih za določitev letne lestvice prispevkov v splošni proračun Sveta Evrope in se lahko prilagodijo v skladu z načeli, na katerih ta lestvica temelji.
10.4. Register lahko prejema in uporablja dodatne prostovoljne donacije in druge prispevke, povezane z njegovim delom, vključno s prispevki v naravi, na podlagi predhodnega dovoljenja konference. Ti prispevki morajo biti v skladu s cilji in nalogami registra.
10.5. Konferenca vsako leto odobri letne računovodske izkaze registra, ki jih pripravi generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope v skladu s finančnimi predpisi Sveta Evrope in jih predloži konferenci skupaj s poročilom zunanjega revizorja, kot določajo finančni predpisi. Da bi generalnega sekretarja razrešila odgovornosti za upravljanje finančnega leta, konferenca Odboru ministrov pošlje letne računovodske izkaze skupaj s svojo odobritvijo ali morebitnimi pripombami in poročilom zunanjega revizorja, kot to določajo finančni predpisi.
10.6. Finančni predpisi Sveta Evrope se uporabljajo za sprejemanje in upravljanje proračuna registra ob upoštevanju določb tega statuta.
11. člen – Zaupnost 
11.1. Ob upoštevanju drugega odstavka 11. člena se vse informacije o zahtevkih in škodi, ki jih prejme register, vključno z vsemi dokazi, obravnavajo kot zaupne.
11.2. Pravila o dostopu do dokumentov in o varovanju podatkov v zvezi z zahtevki, predloženimi v register, predlaga odbor, odobri pa jih konferenca, vključno s pravili o izmenjavi informacij v skladu z določbami tega statuta, zlasti za namene četrtega odstavka 2. člena.
12. člen – Pravila in predpisi Sveta Evrope 
Konferenca lahko na utemeljen predlog odbora ali izvršnega direktorja, dokler odbor ni vzpostavljen ali če ne deluje, odobri odstopanja od veljavnih pravil in predpisov Sveta Evrope, če je to potrebno za učinkovito opravljanje nalog registra. Taka odobrena odstopanja se sporočijo Odboru ministrov in generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope.
13. člen – Spremembe 
Ta statut se lahko spremeni le s sklepom Odbora ministrov, ki ga sestavljajo le predstavniki držav udeleženk registra, z večino, določeno v odstavku d 20. člena Statuta Sveta Evrope, in z enako oblikovanim sklepom konference.
14. člen – Prenos, nasledstvo in prenehanje 
14.1. Po vzpostavitvi odškodninskega mehanizma iz petega odstavka 2. člena se delo registra ustrezno prenese na odškodninski mehanizem tako, da se zagotovi neprekinjeno delovanje registra do njegovega prenehanja in da so informacije o zahtevkih in dokazi, ki jih register vsebuje, na voljo odškodninskemu mehanizmu. Ta prenos vključuje digitalno platformo registra, vključno z vsemi informacijami o zahtevkih in dokazi, ki jih ta vsebuje, drugo dokumentacijo, vključno z arhivi, njegovo premično in nepremično premoženje, vključno z, med drugim, bančnimi računi, opremo informacijske tehnologije, programsko opremo in vsemi licencami zanjo, pogodbe in dogovore registra ter vse z njimi povezane podatke.
14.2. Odbor predlaga potrebna pravila in postopke, da se ustrezno zagotovi nemoten prenos registra na odškodninski mehanizem. Ta pravila odobri konferenca.
14.3. Odškodninski mehanizem naj bi bil po zaključku prenosa naslednik registra.
14.4. Po zaključku prenosa, kot ga določi odbor in potrdi konferenca, register preneha delovati kot razširjeni delni sporazum Sveta Evrope.
15. člen – Reševanje sporov 
Udeleženke vse morebitne spore v zvezi z uporabo ali razlago določb tega statuta rešujejo s pogajanji ali na kakršen koli drug miren način, o katerem se medsebojno dogovorijo.
16. člen – Izstop in izključitev 
16.1. Vsaka udeleženka ali pridružena članica lahko izstopi iz registra z uradnim obvestilom, ki ga pošlje generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope.
16.2. Generalni sekretar potrdi prejem obvestila ter o tem obvesti udeleženke in pridružene članice registra.
16.3. Izstop udeleženke začne učinkovati ob koncu finančnega leta, v katerem je bil sporočen, če je bilo uradno obvestilo poslano pred 1. junijem tega finančnega leta, ali ob koncu naslednjega finančnega leta, če je bilo uradno obvestilo o izstopu poslano 1. junija finančnega leta ali pozneje. Izstop pridružene članice začne učinkovati po prejemu uradnega obvestila.
16.4. V skladu z veljavnimi določbami finančnih predpisov Sveta Evrope konferenca preuči finančne posledice izstopa ali izključitve udeleženke ali pridružene članice in sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
16.5. Generalni sekretar nemudoma obvesti zadevno udeleženko o posledicah njenega izstopa v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 16. člena.
16.6. Konferenca lahko odloči, da udeleženka ali pridružena članica, ki ne deluje v skladu z mandatom registra ali ovira izpolnjevanje njegovih nalog, preneha biti udeleženka ali pridružena članica registra z datumom, ki ga določi konferenca.
3. člen 
Za izvajanje statuta skrbijo ministrstvo, pristojno za zunanje zadeve, ministrstvo, pristojno za pravosodje, ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo, ministrstvo, pristojno za finance, ministrstvo, pristojno za družino in socialne zadeve, ministrstvo, pristojno za šolstvo, in Urad Republike Slovenije za preprečevanje pranja denarja.
4. člen 
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00704-472/2023
Ljubljana, dne 21. decembra 2023
EVA 2023-1811-0072
Vlada Republike Slovenije 
dr. Robert Golob 

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